Friday, 5 June 2009

Parents interested to visit our University?

Well, read on.

So I suggested to our Dean to create some kind of minitour to the university on the 30th of June 2009, right after the graduation. Time approximately from 3-4pm.
We are still not sure if the university will provide a tourguide (most likely not).

In order for this to happen, we need your name, parents and their passport number. Once we have the list already, I'll then submit it in to the dean. Have to go through dean, rector and ohrana, etc.

Interested people, please submit your details to our ever lovely and helpful Ms. Fu Mei Sian through YM! by this Sunday night. She'll then make a list and pass it to me. It's a little urgent because I'll be meeting Dean Bezpalyuk this coming Monday.

Thanks for your time and have a great weekend! :)